海洋覆盖着地球表面的70%,而在更加广阔的深海,不仅生物圈庞大,开发潜力更是大得惊人!反观陆地上,除了环境恶化、资源紧缺,一些台风、海啸频发的岛国还面临海平面上升,即将重蹈“亚特兰蒂斯”覆辙的命运!为此,日本计划建造一座由海底直通海面的海洋开发研究基地——“海洋螺旋(OCEAN SPIRAL)”!螺旋通道:螺旋通道是这座基地的“身躯”。在其上端,即海面到水深500米左右是一座球体城市,一旦台风、海啸来袭,球体便潜入水下的螺旋通道中避险;螺旋通道
The oceans cover 70% of the Earth’s surface. In the broader deep-sea, not only is the huge biosphere, but the development potential is even more staggering. On the contrary, onshore, in addition to the deteriorating environment and scarce resources, some typhoons and island countries frequently affected by the tsunami face the sea Plane rise is about to repeat the fate of “Atlantis”! To this end, Japan plans to build an ocean development and research base - “sea spiral (OCEAN SPIRAL)”! Sea spiral through the sea floor : The spiral channel is the “body” of this base. At its upper end, about 500 meters from the surface to the water is a ball city, once the typhoon, tsunami hit, the ball will dive into the underwater helical passage hedge; spiral channel