在我们周围常常发见有些人,当集体和国家的财产遭逢损害时,便闭着眼睛走过去。甚至眼见公家的油管滴油或水管滴水,也不愿伸手去紫一紧龙头。总之,这些人认为,非关我事,明哲保身,少管闲事为妙。其实,从这些并非闲事的闲事中,往往可以窥见一个人对党和人民、社会主义事业的责任感! 这些“闲事”真与我们无关吗? 这使我想起了《阅微草堂笔记》中的一个故事。故事说:“有一官公服昂然入,自称所至但饮一杯水,今无愧鬼神。王哂曰:‘设官以治民,下至驿丞闸官,皆有利弊之当理。但不要钱即为好官,植木偶于堂,并水不饮,不更胜公乎?’官又辩曰:‘某
Around us, we often see some people walking around with their eyes closed when the property of the collective and the state has suffered. Even seeing the public pipe drip or water pipe drip, do not want to reach out to a tight purple lead. In a word, these people think that if they are not related to me, they should take good care of themselves and neglect their business. In fact, from these idle things, we can often get a glimpse of one’s sense of responsibility to the cause of the party, the people and the cause of socialism. These ”idiosyncrasies“ really have nothing to do with us. This reminds me of ”Yue Wei Cottage Notes“ A story. The story says: ”There is an official service into angrily, claiming to have but drink a glass of water, this deserved ghosts and gods.“ Wang said: ”set officials to rule the people, down to Yi Chengzongguan, all have the pros and cons of the right, but not Money is a good officer, puppet church, and water does not drink, not worse than the public? ’And the defense also said:’ a