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林口县委、县政府十分重视乡镇个体私营经济的发展,把“九五”实现乡镇企业翻两番的目标,寄托在乡镇个体私营企业上,他们采取一系列积极措施促使乡镇个体私营经济迅速发展。目前,全县乡镇个体经济业户达11,194户,从业人员20,484人,创产值137.752万元,占全县乡镇企业总产值的7.5%。 随着乡镇个体私营企业迅速发展,它将成为牵动全县经济增长的一支不可忽视的重要力量。发展乡镇个体私营经济是增强全县经济实力的重要途径。目前,全县乡企个体私营经济年实现税金2,800万元。这样大的一批财源是在国家没有投入的情况下实现的。是没有投入的产出,是个体私营企业对社会的贡献。乡镇个体 The Linkou County Party Committee and the County Government attach great importance to the development of the individual and private economy in towns and villages. The goal of quadrupling the realization of township and village enterprises in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period is entrusted to individual and private-owned enterprises in towns and villages. They take a series of positive measures to promote the rapid development of the individual and private economy in towns and townships. At present, the county’s individual and economic household and township businesses reach 11,194, employing 20,484 people, a record production value of 1.37752 million yuan, accounting for 7.5% of the county’s total output value of township and village enterprises. With the rapid development of township individual and private enterprises, it will become an important force that can affect the entire county’s economic growth. The development of township and village individual and private economy is an important way to enhance the economic strength of the county. At present, the county-level individual and private economy realized taxes of 28 million yuan. Such a large batch of financial resources is realized without the input of the state. There is no input output, is the contribution of individual and private enterprises to society. Township individual
在倡导崇高的医德、兢兢业业的职业精神和严密的操作规范管理的背后,必须有一流的、不断进步的医疗技术作支撑。拥有先进的医疗技术才能为患者切实解决问题,否则再强的责任意识、再好的服务态度、再优秀的管理理念,也没有价值。  ——陈晓隆  6年来,来中国医科大学附属盛京医院接受救治的眼科患者,无一因技术原因被转院进京,即做到了“眼科患者不入关”,通过该院医治的眼科患者,包括很多急重症患者,对医务人员的技术水
一、婴儿期。婴儿活动范围小, 食物营养丰富,加上有的家长对孩子的进食不予控制,孩子一哭就给他吃东西。在婴儿期肥胖的孩子,到二三岁后肥胖现象可以改善,但有一部分则持续
第 1期 高阻尼铝合金层压板的内耗峰及其阻尼机制张迎元 ( 1 )…………………………………………………不同工艺方法制备的Cu/Al2 O3复合材料的组织与性能徐玉松 孙建科 ( 7)…
建立了同时测定人血浆中的异烟肼和吡嗪酰胺的反相高效液相色谱法。色谱柱 Lichrospher 100 RP-C8(5μm),流动相为乙腈(A)∶0.05M 磷酸二氢钾(B)(加入三乙胺200μm调 pH5.6),
树脂砂高效制芯是进行大批量生产铸件的先进制芯工艺 ,在汽车、柴油机等行业得到广泛的应用。按硬化条件分类 ,主要有热硬法和冷硬法两种。热硬法又分为热芯盒和覆膜砂壳芯两
用 Nafion 修饰的玻碳电极测定亚甲蓝,线性范围为6×10~(-9)~1×10~(-3)mol/L,检测限为2×10~(-9)mol/L.亚甲蓝在 Nafion 修饰电极上的反应为可逆的两电子传递过程,具有较好的