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清代史地学家徐松,精舆地之学,尤熟悉新疆历史地理,曾为新疆方志事业做出了贡献。 徐松(1781~1848),字星伯。原籍江苏武进,清代定居直隶省顺天府大兴县(今北京市通县)。嘉庆十年(1805)进士,授翰林院编修。十四年任全唐文馆提调兼文颖馆总纂,后选派出任湖南提督学政,累宫内阁中书,礼部主事,榆林知府等。学有根底,学识闳通,精于史事,尤长地理,撰述精博,对西北史地研究颇深,建树甚多。除从政习文以外,尤为热衷于 Xu Song, a geoscientist in Qing Dynasty, studied the science of Jingyu and Geography, and became familiar with the history and geography of Xinjiang. He contributed to the cause of local chorography in Xinjiang. Xu Song (1781 ~ 1848), the word uncle. The origin of Wujin in Jiangsu Province, Qing Dynasty settled in Daxing County, Shuntian County, Zhili Province (now Beijing Tong County). Jiaqing ten years (1805) Jinshi, Professor Hanlin editing. In fourteen years, he served as the director of the Tang Dynasty Museum and Wen Ying Museum, and later appointed as the governor of Hunan Province, the palace book of the tired palace, the principal of the ceremony, the prefect of Yulin, and so on. Learning fundamentals, knowledge and understanding, proficient in history, especially in geography, elaborate on the rich history of Northwest deep research, much. In addition to political text, especially keen on
Using cDNA-AFLP technique, a specific fragment was isolated from cucumber cultivar Changchun mici possessing chilling tolerance induced at low temperature (15°
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。杨晓霞作品杨晓霞$沈阳大学艺术学院 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profil
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