Dong does not leave the acid “wearing the belt, eat from the acid, live off the floor, walk away from the plate” is the four characteristics of the Dong people’s basic necessities of life. Acidity, everyone likes to eat, every day, every family pickled. In Dong Township, guests are invited to a table full of dishes, all kinds of fish, meat, vegetables, acid products, ranging from five or six like, there are more than 20 kinds of diversity. Grass carp acid, it is the most of Dong’s acid, its bright red through the shape of its mellow crisp, is an essential treat and gift treasures. There is a lot of stress in the Dongs. No matter whether they are fish, meat, or vegetables, they should be washed and dried to dryness. Then the glutinous rice is turned into liqueurs or the rice is fried and cooked in a pan. Laying layers, depending on the meat, fish, vegetables and