针对采用经典的Gerchberg-Saxton算法设计的衍射光学器件(DOE)产生的光强分布相对误差较大,以及采用传统群智能优化算法设计的DOE光能利用率不高的不足,本文提出了利用萤火虫算法(FA)实现衍射光学器件设计的方法,兼顾了优化效率和优化结果。以激光匀束器的设计为例,在模拟计算中,利用FA经过5 000次迭代,得到的激光匀束器的光能利用率高达92.91%,绝对误差值低至0.60%。
For the DOE with the classic Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm, the relative error of the light intensity distribution is relatively large, and the utilization of the DOE light energy that is designed by the traditional group intelligent optimization algorithm is not high enough. In this paper, Algorithm (FA) to achieve the design method of diffractive optics, taking into account the optimization efficiency and optimization results. Taking the design of laser beam homogenizer as an example, in the simulation calculation, using 5 000 iterations of FA, the laser beam homogenizer achieves an energy utilization rate of 92.91% with an absolute error as low as 0.60%.