用《状态 -特质焦虑问卷 (STAI)》和《多维度健康状况控制源量表 (MHLC)》对陕西师范大学 568名大学生进行问卷调查 ,发现 :(1 )抗“非典”时期不同时段大学生的焦虑水平存在显著性差异 ;(2 )该时期的不同时段上 ,大学生的状态焦虑和特质焦虑在专业、性别方面无显著性差异 ;(3 )“非典”疫情出现后 ,大学生焦虑状况与其对健康的态度呈显著性相关。“非典”疫情出现后 ,大学生焦虑水平明显提高 ,健康意识显著增强 ,学校应向其提供心理援助。
A questionnaire survey was conducted among 568 undergraduates in Shaanxi Normal University using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Multi-Dimensional Health Control Source Scale (MHLC), and found that: (1) Anxiety and anxiety; (2) There was no significant difference in professional and gender among state anxiety and trait anxiety of college students in different periods of this period; (3) After the outbreak of SARS, the anxiety of college students and their health The attitude was significantly related. After the outbreak of “SARS”, the anxiety level of undergraduates increased significantly, their health awareness increased significantly, and schools should provide psychological assistance to them.