Eat Pray Love

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  Most people have probably fantasized about leaving everything andrunning off to a foreign country. But few actually do it. Eat Pray Love is the true story of one woman who realized how unhappy she was in her current life and decided to divorce her husband, leave her home, and spend a year traveling the world in pursuit of joy and fulfillment. She traveled to Italy, India, and Indonesia, all in the hopes of finding…well, herself. Find out if Devan and Marni ate up Eat Pray Love.
  Marni: So Devan, I recently went and saw what you might consider a super chick flick, Eat Pray Love. Have you seen it?
  Devan:I haven’t seen it. Did you read the book before you went and saw it?
  Marni:I did indeed, I read the book, and I really liked the book. It spoke to me in, you know, certain ways. So I had a lot of expectations, and I was a little unclear about the casting of Julia Roberts cause she’s just so different from the woman who wrote the book. But I have to say, it was decent. It wasn’t amazing, but they did a good job.
  Devan:So, the reason I’ve been kind of turned off about wanting to see the film or read the book is because I get the impression it’s about an independently wealthy woman who goes through a divorce and then travels the world, and I feel like I couldn’t really connect to that idea of being rich and traveling, like, how is that supposed to…you know, how am I supposed to connect to that on an emotional level?
  Marni:Yeah, that’s perfectly valid, and I…You know, she was a writer and obviously made her living as a writer. And ironically, the book actually helped her become so wealthy and successful. But it was a quest for her to find herself, find her identity. And she wrote this memoir about her year of travel. And I think, you know, people connect to certain parts and people might be put off by certain parts of the text. And I certainly think your argument is valid. It’s like, so you got to travel for a year, how sorry am I supposed to feel for you? 
  1. Which is true?______
  A. Marni read Eat Pray Love and saw the movie.
  B. Devan read Eat Pray Love.
  C. Devan read Eat Pray Love and saw the movie.
  D. Marni saw the movie Eat Pray Love but did not read the book.
  2. In the movie, what is the woman’s job?______
  A. chef
  B. banker
  C. writer
  D. singer
  3. In the movie, what does the woman try to find?______
  A. a husband
  B. a new home
  C. a new job
  D. herself
  4. Devan______relate to the film.
  A. could
  B. couldn’t
  C. could to
  D. couldn’t to
  5. What kind of film is Eat Pray Love?
  A. action film
  B. comedy
  C. chick flick
  D. thriller
  Keys: ACDBC
【摘 要】 本文从临考复习的实际入手,以2011年和2012年《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲》和《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明》为依据,旨在面向全体考生,给出临考最后2个月复习的基本步骤、方式方法、应对措施,以利学生有序有效地提高自身的英语的应试能力。  【关键词】 考试大纲 高三英语 复习迎考 备考策略 应对措施     Your life only lasts for a few d
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