一、概况:薰衣草(Lavandula Vera D.C.)是唇形科薰衣草属的山地多年生半阴性亚灌木植物。原产于地中海沿岸。性喜石灰质疏松土壤。生长期中,可耐高温,也较耐寒。适宜在新安江库区栽培。新安江水库处于北纬29°15′至29°55′,东经118°31′至119°31′之间。全年平均温度17.3℃,月平均最高温度在7月份29.5℃,绝对最高温度41.8℃,平均最低温度在-7.6℃。
First, an overview: Lavender (Lavandula Vera D.C.) is a Labiatae lavender mountain perennial sub-sub-shrubs. Native to the Mediterranean coast. Loose lime calcareous soil. Growing period, can be high temperature, but also more resistant to cold. Suitable for cultivation in Xin’anjiang reservoir area. The Xin’anjiang Reservoir is between latitude 29 ° 15 ’and 29 ° 55’ north and longitude 118 ° 31 ’and 119 ° 31’ east. The annual average temperature of 17.3 ℃, the monthly average maximum temperature of 29.5 ℃ in July, the absolute maximum temperature of 41.8 ℃, the average minimum temperature of -7.6 ℃.