Relationship between diabetes and periodontal infection

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinn
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Periodontal disease is a high prevalent disease.In the United States 47.2% of adults ≥ 30 years old have been diagnosed with some type of periodontitis.Longitudinal studies have demonstrated a two-way relationship between diabetes and periodontitis,with more severe periodontal tissue destruction in diabetic patients and poorer glycemic control in diabetic subjects with periodontal disease.Periodontal treatment can be successful in diabetic patients.Short term effects of periodontal treatment are similar in diabetic patients and healthy population but,more recurrence of periodontal disease can be expected in no well controlled diabetic individuals.However,effects of periodontitis and its treatment on diabetes metabolic control are not clearly defined and results of the studies remain controversial. Periodontal disease is a high prevalent disease. In the United States 47.2% of adults ≥ 30 years old have been diagnosed with some type of periodontitis. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated a two-way relationship between diabetes and periodontitis, with more severe periodontal tissue destruction in diabetic patients and poorer glycemic control in diabetic subjects with periodontal disease. Periodontal effects of periodontal treatment are similar in diabetic patients and healthy population but, more recurrence of periodontal disease can be expected in no well controlled diabetic individuals. However, effects of periodontitis and its treatment on diabetes metabolic control are not clearly defined and results of the studies remain controversial.
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