Isolation of the Endophytic Fungi of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis and Their Effects on the Embr

来源 :农业科学与技术:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a563241195
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Abstract [Objective] This study aimed to isolate the endophytic fungi of Paris poly- phylla var. yunnanensis and investigate their effects on the embryo development of P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis seeds. [Method] The endophytic fungi of P. poly- phylla were isolated and identified morphologically, and their effects on the embryo development of P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis seeds were studied by using paraffin sectioning and microphotography. [Result] Nine endophytic fungi, Le. P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis endophytic fungi PPYEF-1, PPYEF-2, PPYEF-3, PPYEF-4, PPYEF- 5, PPYEF-6, PPYEF-7, PPYEF-8 and PPYEF-9 belonging to seven genera in five families, three orders were isolated from the rhizomes. Except PPYEF-4 (Cladospori- um sp.), other fungi could promote the embryo development of the P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis seeds, mostly reaching the extremely significant or significant level. PPYEF-9 (Trichoderma sp.) resulted in the highest embryo length and embryo-e- merging ratio. [Conclusion] This paper could provide a reference for the applica- tion of the endophytic fungi of P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis in the dormancy- breaking of P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis seeds.
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国家放开二胎政策,不少家庭都欢天喜地生了二胎。但在我家却爆发了持久的战争。  那天妈妈突然心血来潮,眉开眼笑地对我说:“宝贝,妈妈给你生个弟弟或妹妹,好不好?”我看着笑嘻嘻的妈妈,瞬间觉得不安起来。  二胎,就是另一千人从天而降,分走爸爸妈妈对你的所有的爱,而且你不能有怨言,不然便会落下一个“不懂事”的恶名。  正所谓“一山不容二虎”,没什么好说的,我必须坚决反对。  “不要!不要!”我大喊,仿佛