在千禧龙年新春到来之际 ,中国造纸协会第二届会员代表大会胜利召开了。国家轻工业局朱焘副局长出席大会祝贺并讲话 ,有关司的领导参加了大会。大会审议通过了第一届理事会的工作报告和财务报告 ,讨论通过了新的协会章程 ,选举产生了新一届理事会。大会期间召开了二届一次理事
On the occasion of the new year of the Qianlong Dragon, the second member congress of the China Paper Association was successfully held. The Deputy Director Zhu Xi of the State Light Industry Bureau attended the congress’s congratulations and delivered speeches. The leaders of the relevant departments attended the meeting. The meeting reviewed and approved the work report and financial report of the first session of the council, discussed and passed the new association charter, and elected a new council. The second session of the council was held during the conference