喻继高,当代工笔花鸟画大家, 曾任江苏省国画院副院长,现任中国 美术家协会理事、中国画研究院院务 委员、中国工笔画学会副会长、江苏 省美术家协会副主席等。他1932年生 于江苏铜山县,1955年毕业于南京师 范学院美术系,1957年参与筹备并调 入江苏省国画院。其作品繁盛充盈、 精巧秀丽、光彩照人、泱泱大度、曲高 和众、雅俗共赏。曾参加全国第三,
Yu Jigao, contemporary pen and flower painting everyone, former vice president of Jiangsu Province Chinese Painting Academy, the incumbent Chinese Artists Association, Chinese Painting Research Institute, vice chairman of China Association of Fine Arts, vice chairman of Jiangsu Artists Association. He was born in Tongshan County, Jiangsu Province in 1932 and graduated from Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Normal University in 1955, preparing and transferring to the State Art Institute of Jiangsu Province in 1957. Its works flourish, exquisite beauty, brilliant, magnanimous, high song and public, elegant and popular. Has participated in the third,