简介:虽然海上运输 LPG(液化石油气)和化学气体至少有三十多年了,但是世界船队增长是缓慢的,从石油中得到的石油气要大量的和有效地将液化石油气在增压和冷冻的容器中运输还必须解决许多技术问题。对LPG 的日益增长的需要和低温运输技术已经得到了并驾齐驱的发展,为海上 LPG 的运输开辟了一个广阔的市埸。从1974年到1980年国际海上运输 LPG 增加了三倍,即从
INTRODUCTION Although the maritime transport of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and chemical gases has been at least 30 years old, the growth of the world fleet is slow, and the recovery of LPG from oil requires a large and effective increase of liquefied petroleum gas Transporting in pressurized and frozen containers must also solve many technical problems. The growing demand for LPG and cryogenic transport technologies have been accompanied by developments that open up a vast market for the transport of offshore LPG. International maritime transport LPG tripled from 1974 to 1980, ie from