The Influence of Teaching Behavior on Students’ English Learning Anxiety

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  【Abstract】:English learning anxiety often appears in the course of students’ language learning. Language learning anxiety refers to the fear and the unpleasant emotional experience in English learning.Teaching behavior is one of the many factors that lead students’ language learning anxiety. Teaching behavior refers to the observable teaching activities in achieving the teaching goals. This thesis analyzes the influence of teaching behavior on students’ English learning anxiety from the perspective of teacher’s teaching method and the assessment method, and try to provide some suggestions to reduce anxiety so as to effectively promote students' foreign language learning.
  【Key words】: teaching behavior; English learning anxiety; influence
  1. Introduction
  We all know that students may suffer from language anxiety in the course of English learning, because English differs a lot from our native language. And teaching behavior is an important factor affecting the students’ language learning anxiety.
  Chen and Deng (2003) conceive that the learner's emotional state in learning process plays a crucial part which determines language filtering and language output. Anxiety, as an emotional variable, should not be ignored.
  Teachers using multiple methodologies in language teaching will build a relaxed classroom atmosphere. The assessment is expected to be diverse. It is proved that appropriate teaching behavior help a lot to ease students’ language learning anxiety.
  2. The Influence of Teaching Behavior on Student’s English Learning Anxiety
  2.1 The Teaching Method and Students’ Anxiety
  When teachers teach English in the class, they should pay attention to the students’ learning styles. That is to say, the teaching method must meet students’ learning styles, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the desired purpose.
  One of the frequently used means in teaching is lecture method. When this method is appropriately adopted by teachers in class, teaching process is easy to control and students can obtain systematic knowledge in a short time. However, if used inappropriately, it is likely to be the cramming education. And students just learn by the means of following teachers’ instructions without knowing how to learn. And if things go on like this, students are apt to lose interest and have anxiety in learning English.
  Questioning method is that teacher asks students some questions and students are required to answer. And it is also effective way for teachers to check if students grasp knowledge they learned .Ye (1999) conceives that if used inappropriately, there are some side effects on English learning. If the questions are too challenging, students may find the questions are out of their ability. And if class atmosphere is too serious, students will be uneasy to answer question, because they are afraid to be criticized by teachers. .   2.2The Learning Assessment and Students’ Anxiety
  The learning assessment is to evaluate the teaching process and result according to the teaching aim. The learning assessment is supposed to encourage students to learn more. Gardner & Gardner (2012) conceive that teachers should be emotionally enthusiasm and try to communicate more with students in English class.
  When under the various learning assessment, students who have different learning styles can find their own merits and demerits. Whereas there is only single assessment in learning, students may feel frustrated when they do not meet the need of the certain criteria. It does harm to students future leaning, because they gradually lose confidence under long-term single negative assessment.
  3.  Suggestions for Students’ English Learning Anxiety
  3.1 Using Different Teaching Methodologies
  According to different types of tasks and students language learning proficiency, teacher is supposed to use different kinds of teaching methodologies. Klem and Connell, (2004) consider that using various teaching methodologies in class is easy to activate students’ motivation. It provide more opportunity for all students to find the suitable methodology. Teacher can play the flash, songs and movie clips. Therefore, teachers should adopt the teaching methodology which provide more space and opportunity for students to practice and consolidate the new language and then truly become masters of learning.
  3.2 Employing Formative and Summative Assessment
  The formative assessment is to evaluate the students’ daily learning performance. It is based on the continuous observation. Formative assessment makes students change from the passive learner to an active participator. The summative assessment always do in the end of the term. The form of the summative assessment is mainly the “pencil-paper”.
  Taras (2005) consists that it is much better to adopt both the formative assessment and summative assessment than choosing the single one. Using these two assessments can not only help students realize their advantages and disadvantages but also aid students to build up confidence and enjoyment in the learning.
  4. Conclusion
  Teaching behavior does play an important role in students’ English learning. Inappropriate teaching behavior may make students feel anxious in language learning. Teachers, as a controller, guider, facilitator and resource-provider, have multiple roles. What teachers are supposed do is to use different teaching methodologies and employ diverse assessments to make students be at ease in English learning.
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【摘要】:小学时期的儿童正处于身体和心理发育的关键时期,这一时期是儿童思想品德的塑造期,也是帮助他们形成初步的善恶美丑的价值取向的重要阶段,对他们未来的世界观、人生观、价值观的形成都有重要影响。运用约翰·洛克《教育漫话》中的教育理念和教育方法针对小学德育工作提出自己的建议。  【关键词】:教育漫话;小学生;德育  《教育漫话》是17世纪由英国约翰·洛克所著的教育名著,也是世界五大教育名著之一,对现
【摘要】:人类社会已进入信息化时代,飞速发展的信息技术几乎渗透到了日常生活的每一个细节。随之而来的,便是教育的信息化改革。学校作为培养人才的主要机构,更应当与时俱进,将信息技术充分的运用到教学活动中,为传统的教学活动注入新的活力,从而开拓出一条通向未来的崭新的道路。本文着重就中职语文教学的信息化问题谈一谈自己的一些浅见。  【关键词】:中职语文;信息化   小平同志三十多年前就曾说过:教育要面向现
引言  《魏武将见匈奴使》是《大学语文》中的经典篇目,设计精妙、引人入胜、起伏跌宕。本课的教学设计是引导学生分析微型小说的佳作《魏武将见匈奴使》,领悟小说形式短小精悍,语言简练晓畅,善用个性化的言行表现人物神态等独特魅力,并在此基础上讨论“何为英雄”的衍生性话题,让学生树立正确的英雄观。  【教学重点】  通过对《世说新语》人物分析,让学生把握刘义庆塑造的“曹操”和“崔季珪”的形象特点。  【教学
【摘要】:目标程序五步教学法是指在有关教育理论指导下,构建起的一种以教师为引导、以学习者主体参与为核心,以学习者“学”为目标的课堂教学方法。本文作者结合三年教学实践,其能充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,促进了教师的课堂教学方式的转变,科研能力和协作能力逐步提高,使学校学风建设初见成效。  【关键词】:高中化学教学;教学方式;教学方法;目标程序五步教学法  一、引言  “授人以鱼,不如授人以渔;授
【摘要】:在信息化时代,翻转课堂作为一种新型的教学模式应运而生。文章介绍了翻转课堂教学模式的概念,将传统课堂与翻转课堂进行各个方面的对比,并从翻转课堂实施的条件、实施的过程来阐述翻转课堂在英语教学中的实施,最后总结了翻转课堂教学模式的优势和不足,并得出结论。  【关键词】:翻转课堂;传统课堂;实施;优势;不足  一、引言  传统纸质教材是在教学中最广泛使用的教材,但随着信息技术时代的来临,传统教材
【摘要】:2015年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试英语试卷,试题考查的知识覆盖面广,信息量大,话题的内容基于教学实际和学生生活,考查学生的基础知识和语言运用能力。本文介绍了试卷的基本情况,与往年的问卷做了比较,并详细地分析了中考英语的各个题型,包括听力、语音语法词汇、阅读和写作,并针对各个题型,给出了学生相应的考试策略,并对教师的教学给出了启示。  【关键词】:试卷;基本情况;题型;考试策略;教学启示
在实施课改的大背景下,现在的高中课堂教学在逐步发生着些潜移默化的改变,而这些改变在我们的教学各方各面的过程中必须可控而且必须向着我们所需要的方向去发生,但是在这一过程中难免会有许许多多各种各样的问题存在,而我在此就浅谈现在生物课堂上的教学效率的现状与提升。  一、现状有较为明显改变  在课改后,尤其是在高考试题从四川卷向全国卷转型过程中,课堂教学模式明显发生了改变,从从前我们老师“一言堂”逐渐给学
【Abstract】: Skills and strategies in this paper are discussed from two perspectives, which are needed to be learned by both language teachers and language learners. On one side, there are teaching met
【摘要】:习近平总书记在文艺工作座谈会上的讲话,是历届国家领导人讲的最多因而也是最广的一位。他更是唯一没有把舞蹈艺术放在“等”中的领导,他甚至还提及到了街舞。他不反对通俗艺术,但是区分了低俗,一个要振兴的国家和民族,当然要有高文化的引领,多么明确啊!作为一个文艺工作者,我已热泪盈眶,艺术的发展将要迎来属于自己的春天啦!  【关键词】:舞蹈普及教育;艺术普及;素质教育  一、素质教育是引领舞蹈事业前