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拜占廷人利用某种奇妙的设置,设法把水暗暗引到宫殿的屋顶上,随着屋顶上一阵流水声,宫殿的四檐就会有水流飞溅而下,如同瀑布一般……唐人似乎很动了些心思,试图也创造出同样的设置,例如,唐玄宗时候的奸相王鉷就在自己的豪宅内造了一座“自雨亭”。“自雨”殿亭作为一种很有想像力也很具诗意的建筑设计,只是零星地出现过,绝对难以成为普遍现象。但是,要说明的是,具有“自雨”功能的建筑,很可能早在北朝时代就在中国出现了。 By some wonderful arrangement, the Byzantines tried to bring the water to the roof of the palace. With the sound of water on the roof, the four eaves of the palace were splashed down like waterfalls. Moved some thoughts, trying to also create the same settings, for example, when Tang Xuanzong adultery Wang 鉷 built a mansion in his own “self-Yuting.” As a kind of highly imaginative and poetic architectural design, the “self-rain” Temple Pavilion has only appeared sporadically and is absolutely hard to become a universal phenomenon. However, it should be noted that buildings with the function of “self-rain” probably appeared in China as early as the Northern Dynasties.
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