Liuqin opera originated in Linyi City, Lanshan, Tancheng, Cangshan area, mainly distributed in the Soviet Union, Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces bordering the region, Shandong Province has a greater influence local opera. In 1953 officially named as the boundary, divided into “La soul chamber ” and “Liuqin opera ” two big stages of development. The actual situation of Liuqin opera is the sharp decline of the audience, lack of succession of qualified personnel, lack of government investment and its own hematopoietic function is not strong, to create the stage boutique and the actual performance out of line. The implementation of the revitalization of Liuqin Opera need to pay attention to four aspects: First, to explore the government-led mode of operation; second is to create a brand, take the road to the cultural industry; third innovation, to win the audience a wide range of participation; Fourth, training new people and expanding space for development. The following article on how to inherit and carry forward Shandong Liuqin opera culture done a few tactical strategy analysis.