主持人:前段炒得沸沸扬扬的“姚丽事件”想必大家都有所了解,今天请大家来就是想就该事件再做一番讨论,看能不能挖掘出深层次的东西。建设银行大庆分行职员姚丽在储蓄所遭歹徒抢劫,报警未果的情况下,与歹徒巧妙周旋,以较小的损失保护了银行巨额财产,事后,却因“未能与歹徒进行殊死搏斗”而受到开除公职、开除党籍的处分。面对生死,要生命还是做英雄,如何取舍?就请大家畅所欲言了。 辛之:“姚丽事件”是值得再讨论的,我个人认为姚丽在报警未果、求助无望的情况下,以极小的损失保住了25万元巨款,并用自己家中的钱交给单位弥补国家的损失,这其实是符合经济学中机会成本的原理的,毕竟一万元
Moderator: Ahead of the provocative “Yao event” Presumably we all understand, today, please come to just want to do some discussion on the event, to see if we can tap the deep things. Yao Li, a staff member of Daqing Branch of China Construction Bank, defended the bank’s huge amount of property with minor losses in the wake of robberies by criminals in the savings bank and unsuccessful police reports. Afterwards, he failed to fight the criminals with his wife Dismissed from the party by the dismissal of public office. In the face of life and death, to life or to be a hero, how to choose? Please tell us what you want. Xin: “Yao Li Incident” is worth discussing again. I personally think that Yao Li saved 250,000 Yuan huge sums of money with minimal loss under the condition of unsuccessful call for help and helplessness, and handed over the unit to her home unit Make up for the loss of the country, which is actually in line with the principle of economic opportunity cost, after all, 10,000 yuan