有一回我讲了自己一个笑话,被戏迷记者翁君思再听到,上了《新民晚报》,并无歪曲。事情是这样:一晚我观剧踏车归来,忘了带家门钥匙,唤了一声:“老伴,开门来!”老伴闷帘答道:“谁是你老伴?京剧才是你老伴!”这可真是事出有因,如果说我二老之间,也有“第三者”,那也就是她了。我和她朝夕相处,自从有了盒式录音带,我几乎枕带而眠。梅程荀尚,金郝侯裘,谭余言马奚杨……一一入梦,如梦,如梦,俱往矣,然又永伫! 我曾经得意地吹牛,却也事出有据,连周老信芳
Once I told myself a joke, was heard again by the drama reporter Weng Jun Si, on the “Xinmin Evening News”, there is no distortion. This is the case: one night I watch the return of treadmill, forgot the key to bring the house, called out: “My wife, open the door!” The boring man replied: “Who is your wife? Peking Opera is your wife!” There really is a cause, if I am between the two, but also “third party”, that is, her. I worked with her day and night, and since I had a cassette, I almost sleep with my pillow. Mei Cheng Xun, Jin Hao Hou Qiu, Tan Yuyan Ma Xi Yang ... ... one by one into the dream, dream, dream, all carry on, and then forever! I have proudly bragging, but also things out of evidence,