本文作者对沙市市1986~1987年居民病伤死亡原因进行了调查分析,要点如下: 1、年粗死亡率为5.89‰(男性为5.5‰,女性为5.26‰),标化后,调整死亡率为5.62‰,(男性为6.45‰,女性为5.00‰)。 2、死因顺位:循环系统疾病居首位,其次是恶性肿瘤,第三位是呼吸系统疾病,意外伤亡居第四位,解放初期居死因首位的传染病和寄生虫病,现已退居死因的第七位,前十位死因占总死亡人数的90.20%。 3、我市婴儿死亡率为24.12‰,以后随年龄增大而降低,从35岁起随年龄增大,死亡率开始增高,50岁以后升高幅度相当明显,整个年龄死亡曲线基本上呈“V”字形。 4、1986~1987年我市居民平均期望寿命为70.49岁(男性为67.95岁,女性为73.10岁)。通过死因寿命表分析:去除循环系统疾病后、我市居民平均期望寿命将增加4.41岁。本文为我市今后开展非传染病预治工作提供了依据。
The authors investigated and analyzed the causes of death of residents in Shashi City from 1986 to 1987. The main points are as follows: 1. The annual crude death rate was 5.89 ‰ (5.5 ‰ for males and 5.26 ‰ for females). After standardization, the mortality rate was adjusted 5.62 ‰ (6.45 ‰ for males and 5.00 ‰ for females). 2, the cause of death: the highest circulatory system diseases, followed by malignant tumors, the third is a respiratory disease, accidental injury ranks fourth, the first death of the prime cause of death from infectious diseases and parasitic diseases, is now relegated The seventh cause of death, the top ten cause of death accounted for 90.20% of the total number of deaths. 3, the city’s infant mortality rate was 24.12 ‰, with the increase of age and later decreased from 35 years old with age, the mortality rate began to increase after 50 years of increase was quite obvious, the entire death curve was basically “ V ”shape. 4, 1986 ~ 1987, the average life expectancy of residents in our city is 70.49 years (67.95 for men and 73.10 for women). Through the cause of death cause table analysis: removal of circulatory diseases, the average life expectancy of residents in our city will increase by 4.41 years. This article provides the basis for our city to carry out non-communicable diseases pre-treatment work in the future.