2004年,一种网络日记“博客”(BLOG)开始在中国互联网上展露出它的无限风光。越来越多的人,尤其是一些著名的学者,或隐姓埋名、或堂而皇之,在博客上记录着自己的生活和感受, 表达自己对周遭点点滴滴的见解,尤其是他们通过博客网站对一些政治活动角度独特的关注和评论,使得博客思想逐渐为大众所知,越来越多的人开始在线阅读各家博客网站。博客会成为一种挑战主流媒体的新的舆论力量吗?
In 2004, a blog called “BLOG” began to show its boundless beauty on the Chinese Internet. More and more people, especially famous scholars, or anonymity, or overhand, record their life and feelings on the blog and express their opinions about the surrounding areas. In particular, they are aware of some of the politics Activities unique perspectives and comments, making the blog gradually become known to the public, more and more people began to read online blog sites. Will blogs become a new media force that challenges the mainstream media?