当时间的脚步即将走完九十年代的时候,如果说在瑞士设计界还有一位超凡脱俗的平面设计大师,那么,他的名字一定就是拉尔夫·施莱弗格尔(RALPH SCHRAIVOGEL)。作为一位平面设计师、艺术导师和招贴艺术家,尽管他每年仅创作寥寥数幅招贴作品,然而每一件作品都能迅速引起轰动。这不仅令观众和其他平面艺术家们心中激动不已,甚至他自己也备感兴奋。他不仅从不重复同一个主题,而且在平面设计中始终坚持运用全新的观点,尝试设计中的各种可能性。在他看来,一件优秀的招贴艺术作品不应随着时间的推移而销声匿迹,更不应只是简单地表现昙花一现的东西。作品不仅应该蕴涵着丰富的情感,而且要尽可能地传达出它们在创作时所包含的影响力。用“情感”这个词来形容拉尔夫·施莱弗格尔的作品真是再合适不过了,这不仅仅是
As the time is approaching the nineties, Ralph SCHRAIVOGEL must have been named the Swiss graphic designer if he had an extravagant graphic design master. As a graphic designer, art director and poster artist, every single piece of art can quickly cause a sensation even though he creates only a handful of posters each year. This not only excites the viewer and other graphic artists, but he is even excited. Not only did he never repeat the same topic, he always insisted on using entirely new ideas in graphic design and attempted various possibilities in the design. In his opinion, an excellent poster artwork should not disappear over time, nor should it simply show something short-lived. Works should not only contain rich emotions, but also to convey as much as possible their influence in the creation of. It is perfectly fitting to describe Ralf Schreiergger’s work with the word “emotion.”