Observation of whispering-gallery mode splitting in spherical resonator

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mgy1982
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We report the observation of the splitting of whispering-gallery mode in the silica spherical resonator. To characterize the fused-silica spherical resonator,an evanescent fiber taper coupling technique is employed. The coupling system consists of a fiber taper with a diameter of about 2.8 microns and a fused-silica spherical resonator with a diameter of about 143 microns. By injecting the laser power into the fiber taper,a number of narrow absorption peaks with equal peak spacing of 3.7 nm are observed in a wide spectral range. After replacing the resonator by the other one with the shape being slightly modified,whispering-gallery mode splitting in the spherical resonator is observed. The wavelength spacing between adja-cent peaks is 0.32 nm,much smaller than that of the previous one. We report the observation of the splitting of whispering-gallery mode in the silica spherical resonator. To characterize the fused-silica spherical resonator, an evanescent fiber taper coupling technique is employed. The coupling system consists of a fiber taper with a diameter of about 2.8 microns and a fused-silica spherical resonator with a diameter of about 143 microns. By injecting the laser power into the fiber taper, a number of narrow absorption peaks with equal peak spacing of 3.7 nm are observed in a wide spectral range. resonator by the other one with the shape being slightly modified, whispering-gallery mode splitting in the spherical resonator is observed. The wavelength spacing between adja-cent peaks is 0.32 nm, much smaller than that of the previous one.
1984年我厂试制了第一台快速升降温节能电炉(见图1),已通过市级鉴定。现已进行批量生产,并形成了系列化产品。该系列炉的主要技术数据见表一。 这种快热高温电炉经科研部门
看门兔的话:训练营在前几期当中,着重讲述了球队的 进攻战术,包括个人进攻战术、局部进攻战术以及整体进 攻战术。一支球队能不能取得比赛的胜利并不只是取决于 进攻战术厉不