What can Teachers Do to Promote Learning

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  【摘要】本文旨在通过对调和理论这一社会交际理论的简要阐述, 探讨如何将这一理论应用到外语课堂学习过程中,以期达到指导教师如何促进学生的学习,同时兼顾学生的理解接受能力和课堂参与的目的。
  As we know, teachers should not only be aware of their belief of education, but also know how their actions influence the learning in class. This chapter introduced the theory of mediation which has played a central role in all social interaction theories, and the application of mediation theory in language classroom.
  For Vygotsky and his followers, mediation refers to the use of “tool”. The most important of these tools is symbolic language. And the mediation can help students enter and pass “zone of proximal development” (ZPD). “Zone of proximal development” is the term used to refer to the layer of skill or knowledge which is just beyond that with which the learner is currently capable of coping (Vygotsky). This theory is very attracting, but Vygotsky did not offer much in the way of practical advice as to how ZPD might be helpful employed in the classroom, and it has been left to others to find effective ways of doing so. In the field of second language acquisition, the inter-language theory holds that a learner’s knowledge of the language is gradually re-shaped as it more closely approximates to the target language. The ZPD can be seen as complementary to inter-language theory. Because this theory conceives of each learner’s understanding of the language system as being gradually reshaped as it develops and more closely approximates towards the target language system. The ZPD can be seen as the next level of understanding in the learner’s language. But what role do teachers can play in this process?
  Feuerstein theory of mediation answers this question. He points out that mediators or mediating adults refer to this important person such as parents, teachers or peers in the child’s learning. This theory involves helping learners to move into and through the next layer of knowledge or understanding. But Feuerstein gave the lack of attention to the learner’s contribution to the mediating process. Because it is important to see the child as an active participant in the mediation process, and that this process is truly interactive rather than unidirectional. Moreover, He emphasizes the centrality of mediated learning experience above all else in cognitive development and learning to learn, which will lead to the “culturally deprived.” “Culturally deprived” is used by Feuerstein to refer to those who have been denied access to their culture. So it is important to establish that mediation involves interaction between mediator and learner, and that the learner is an active participant in the process.
  Therefore, during the process of teaching and learning, teachers should lay emphasis on the interaction part, and take students’ understanding and participation into consideration, as well.
【摘要】电信网络中特别是管线网络(包括光缆、主干电缆、配线电缆等),其设备与地理环境紧密地联系在一起,电信线路的建设、维护都离不开详细而完整的GIS系统。本文分析了GIS的主要用途及其优点以及电信行业的发展现状,阐述了通信行业引入GIS、建立通信网络地理信息系统的必要性,并简单阐述了系统的设计与数据的管理。  【关键词】资源管理;管线;GIS;模型    引言    地理信息系统(Geograph
【摘要】本文简要的讲述了验光仪开发过程中的打印接口的设计及在uC/OS-II系统下的接口程序的实现。首先对打印接口进行分析设计,之后分析系统中的打印流程,并实现了相应的接口程序。  【关键词】验光仪;打印;接口    引言    验光仪也称为屈光度仪,本文所讲述的验光仪为基于S3C44B0X为核心的自动屈光度仪。采用源代码公开的实时多任务操作系统uC/OS-II为操作系统内核,打印作为其主要的输
【摘要】本论文对长春市三大行政区域工业企业废水排放的重金属进行取样,利用ANN方法分析重含量的聚集类型,总结区域重金属污染区域有相关联系。   【关键词】重金属污染;工业废水;人工神经网络    1、方法与应用:  传统的机械工业废水中重金属的污染评价与研究都是基于统计方法进行的,当需要评价的重金属项目多、数据量大时,用统计方法只能分析出重金属含量的高低与污染状况,不能通过重金属含量找出地区间机械
【摘要】聪明、美丽、年轻的贵族妇女安娜为什么最终走上了绝路?是什么造成了她的悲剧?本文从另一个角度,从她与上流社会、丈夫、情人、儿子之间的关系四个方面进行了简要的论述,指出安娜虽然是不幸的,但最终是自己害了自己。  【关键词】爱情;上流社会;丈夫;情人;母爱    俄国批判现实主义文学大师列夫·托尔斯泰的长篇小说《安娜·卡列宁娜》不仅在十九世纪七十年代的俄国,蜚声文坛,而且至今仍具有不朽的艺术魅力
【摘要】任何一个篇章都是一个有机的整体,而它的整体性都是靠有效的衔接和连贯手段来实现的。其中,语篇的衔接理论一直是语言学界的研究重点之一,因为它对语言学和语言教学的影响是巨大的。因此本文从宏观的角度探讨了衔接理论的概念和理论以及在教学中的应用。  【关键词】语篇;衔接理论;教学    The term cohesion has been discussed by many linguistics,
【摘要】本文针对南坪沟水源地地下水水源地的具体条件,给出其适用的水源热泵系统形式,对其采用地下水水源热泵进行供暖的经济性进行了分析,将地下水水源热泵供暖的各项费用与进行电采暖供热系统进行了对比,得出了利用水源热泵供暖系统更加经济的结论。  【关键词】水源地;水源热泵;经济性    一、问题提出:供暖系统选择与比较    1.1锅炉供暖系统:锅炉房的建设、锅炉设备选型与安装、定压方式、供煤系统、风烟
【Abstract】The Grapes of Wrath is John Steinbeck’s masterpiece. The paper aims to analyze its themes and writing skills. Readers can know not only the social background and the affairs of human life bu
【摘要】随着广播、电视等媒体的激烈竞争,广播如何能吸引更多的听众,是摆在地市级电台的一个课题?结合节目的改革和办节目的经验,对办好新闻节目进行了的探索,一些做法得到了社会的认可。  【关键词】新闻;舆论;引导;措施    围绕中心、服务大局、唱响主旋律,一直是广播电视等主流媒体所承担的一份重要任务。但是近年来,随着媒体之间的竞争愈来愈激烈,广播电台为了求生存求发展,往往忽略和淡化了媒体的舆论引导等
【摘要】电子示波器是各项科学实验中使用频率最高的测试仪器,而当需要测试的工作量比较大时,会耗费太多的人力。借助EWB(电子工作台)对电子示波器进行模拟仿真,即可大大提高工作效率。经论证,其实验过程非常接近实际操作的效果。  【关键词】示波器;EWB;仿真;软件    EWB的全称为Electronics Workbench(电子工作台),它是加拿大Interactive Image Technol
【摘要】根据1878年法国最高法院审理的鲍富莱蒙诉贝斯哥案,浅析法律规避的效力,并且说明不认同法国最高法院审判结果的原因。  【关键词】法律规避;著名案例    案情基本是这样的:    1878年法国最高法院审理的鲍富莱蒙案。该案原告鲍富莱蒙王子与一比利时女子结婚,该女子成为法国王妃并取得法国国籍。王妃为达到与当时的罗马尼亚王子比贝斯哥结婚的目的,首先于1874年在法国取得了“别居”的判决(当时