Al(HSO_4)_3/silica gel as a novel catalytic system for the ring opening of epoxides with thiocyanate

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao_zhuang_lin
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For the first time,metal hydrogen sulfates and phosphates/silica gel have been studied as efficient and powerful solid acid catalysts in the ring opening of epoxides with thiocyanate anion.The most significant result was obtained by Al(HSO_4)_3/SiO_2 which afforded the corresponding β-hydroxy thiocyanates under mild reaction conditions and in very short reaction times.The cheapness, availability of the catalyst,ease of procedure and work-up make this method attractive for the organic synthesis. For the first time, metal hydrogen sulfates and phosphates / silica gel have been studied as efficient and powerful solid acid catalysts in the ring opening of epoxides with thiocyanate anion. The most significant result was obtained by Al (HSO 4) _3 / SiO_2 which afforded the corresponding β-hydroxy thiocyanates under mild reaction conditions and in very short reaction times. the cheapness, availability of the catalyst, ease of procedure and work-up make this method attractive for the organic synthesis.
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合成了一个双核铁(Ⅱ)配合物[Fe2L{O2P(OPh)2}](ClO4)2Et2O(1) (L表示双核配体: N-Et-HPTB, N, N, N′, N′-四双(N-乙基-2-苯并咪唑甲基) -2-羟基-1, 3-二氨基丙烷). 测定了其晶体结构, 三斜晶系, 空间群P1, a = 1.526 8(3) nm, b = 1.259 8(3) nm, c = 1.563 0(3) nm, α =