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中国科学院化工冶金研究所于1958年9月26日创建。建所前期,所的方向任务主要是应用化工原理和技术强化现有冶金过程,发展新的冶炼方法,并结合我国矿产资源的综合利用和过程研究开创新型高效的反应设备。六、七十年代,该所为强化高炉冶炼、实现攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿高炉工业化生产及综合利用以及为我国首先在石景山钢铁厂实现氧气转炉炼钢工业生产的前期研究及人员培养做出了卓有成效的工作。同时为金川镍矿、包头富稀土矿、云南东川低品位氧化铜铜矿、铅锌矿、大冶低品位铜钻氧化铁矿、酒泉、马鞍山贫铁矿、江西高砷钴矿等分离提取新流程及工业、半工业试验以及流态化气体炼铁、等离子体法制取金红石型钛白粉、复合粉末等新方法、新工艺的研究也做出有较高水平的工作。八十年代中前期, Institute of Chemical Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Sciences was founded on September 26, 1958. In the pre-construction period, the main task of the institute was to apply chemical principles and techniques to strengthen the existing metallurgical processes and develop new smelting methods. In combination with the comprehensive utilization and process study of mineral resources in our country, we initiated a new and efficient reaction equipment. Sixties and seventies, the Institute to strengthen the blast furnace to achieve Panzhihua vanadium-titanium magnetite blast furnace industrial production and comprehensive utilization as well as the first of our country in Shijingshan Iron and Steel Plant oxygen steelmaking oxygen steel industry to achieve the preliminary study and personnel training made Effective work. At the same time, Jinchuan nickel ore, Baotou rich rare earth ore, Yunnan Dongchuan low grade copper oxide copper, lead-zinc mine, Daye low-grade copper mine iron oxide, Jiuquan, Maanshan iron ore, New processes and industrial, semi-industrial tests and fluidized gas ironmaking, plasma law rutile titanium dioxide, composite powder and other new methods, new technology research has also made a high level of work. In the early eighties,
含锰1.5~3.0%的高锰灰铁具有强度高、收缩低、热疲劳性能好和防渗漏强等特点,可用于制造发动机铸件。 High Manganese Gray Iron with 1.5-3.0% Manganese has the characteri
老当益壮,宁知白首之心;穷且益坚,不堕青云之志。——龚祖同 The old and the prosperous, rather knowing the heart of the first; poor and benefit Kennedy, does not fall
建立了与Avitzur不同的连续速度场,经变上限积分与参量积分求得槽楔冷轧变形力上界解析解,并侧重定量地讨论外端与摩擦对变形力的影响。 A continuous velocity field diffe
目的探讨下腔静脉(inferior vena cava,IVC)型布加综合征(Budd-Chiari syndrome,BCS)合并IVC血栓形成的治疗方法、疗效及预后。方法回顾性分析2004年4月至2012年6月期间因膜