今年1月9日,《中国国土资源报》刊出了一篇题为“九层高楼‘走’了171.4米”的报道。报道称:山东某市一幢建成于1999年、九层高的、建筑面积为3500平方米的办公大楼,成功地整体移位171.4米。笔者为此先进技术而高兴,然而又不禁要问:该城市在2年前难道就没有规划? 经常能听到这样的话:“规划规划,纸上画画,墙上挂挂。”笔者以为,“纸上画画”主要是指规划缺乏科学性,而“墙
January 9 this year, “China’s Land and Resources News,” published an article entitled “nine-story high-rise ’walked’ 171.4 meters’ report. Reported: a city in Shandong built in 1999, nine-storey building area of 3,500 square meters of office buildings, the successful overall shift of 171.4 meters. I am happy for this advanced technology, but I can not but ask: is the city two years ago, there is no planning? Often can hear such words: ”planning and planning, drawing on paper, hanging on the wall.“ In my opinion, ”Painting on paper“ mainly refers to the lack of scientific planning, and ”wall."