四川省壤塘县南木达乡阿诗玛村德高望重的尕尔玛老人因病辞世前,把村民召集一起,双手将一根磨得油光发亮的马鞭,郑重地交给驻村帮扶的县人武部参谋杨银武。他用不太流利的汉语说:“人武部与阿诗玛村就像一家,这根传了几代人的鞭子过去曾是阿诗玛村的指挥棒,现在交给人武部。” 这个故事在壤塘县家喻户晓。新年伊始,记者走进这片红军长征走过的雪山草地采访,深切地感到,为了在雪山草地播撒和谐文明之风,促进藏区社会进步、经济发展、民族团结,壤塘县人武部倾心做好新形势下的拥政爱民工作,每一步都像当年红军爬雪山过草地一样,走得坚定而踏实……
Before the death of the elderly El Gamal who was respected in Ashima Village, Namdaemun Township, Shatang County, Sichuan Province, he brought the villagers together and hands them with a shining whip in both hands and solemnly gave them support in the village County People's Armed Police Department staff Yangyin Wu. He used the less fluent Chinese to say: “The People's Armed Forces and Asmara are like one family, and the whip handed down by generations has used to be the baton of Ashima. Now it is given to the People's Armed Forces.” This story is widely known in Rangtang County. At the beginning of the new year, the reporter went into the interview with the Snow Mountain Grassland where the Red Army marched. He deeply felt that in order to sow the harmony and civilization in the snowy mountains and grasslands and promote social progress, economic development and national unity in Tibet, In the new situation, the work of loyal support for the government and people, every step of the year, like the Red Army climbed the snow-capped mountains and grasslands, went firm and practical ...