1999年 1 1月 1 8日 中国·北京·国际饭店世界青年现状及联合国青年政策与纲领1 我想首先就“世界青年现状” ,尤其是在 2 1世纪优先考虑的青年问题方面发表一些看法 ,然后再为联合国大会为改善世界青年现状而颁布的“联合国青年政策与纲领”提供一些例子。Ⅰ 世界青年现状
January 18, 1999 China Beijing · International Hotel World Youth Situation in the World and the UN Youth Policy and Program 1 I would like first of all to make some comments on the status of the world youth, especially the priority youth issues in the 21st century. And then provide some examples of the “UN Youth Policy and Program” promulgated by the UN General Assembly to improve the status of the world’s youth. Ⅰ The Status of Youth in the World