【摘 要】
July 11, 2018 (Xinhua) -- China Southern Airlines is to launch a direct air route between Wuhan, capital of central China’s Hubei Province, and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. Outbound flights will depar
July 11, 2018 (Xinhua) -- China Southern Airlines is to launch a direct air route between Wuhan, capital of central China’s Hubei Province, and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. Outbound flights will depart from Wuhan Tianhe International Airport every day at 9:35 p.m. Beijing time and arrive in Ho Chi Minh City at 0:40 a.m. local time. Return flights will leave Ho Chi Minh City at 1:40 a.m. local time and land in Wuhan at 6:40 a.m. Beijing time.
July 2, 2018 (Xinhua) -- The cumulative number of foreign holidaymakers visiting Indonesia by May ratchet up 11.89 percent to 6.17 million people from a year ago, according to the national statistics
中国—东盟旅游安全峰会及专题培训于7月24日在厦门启幕,共11个国家的22位专家学者莅会,共同探讨旅游安全事宜。峰会由华侨大学主办,以“中国—东盟旅游安全发展与治理合作”为主题,希望透过探索中國—东盟地区的旅游安全风险形势,交流相关安全管理的经验,以深化地区旅游安全治理并推动双方旅游业的安全发展。 峰会期间还举行了中国—东盟旅游安全研究联盟成立仪式,并发布2018旅游安全蓝皮书。
July 17, 2018 (China Travel News) -- WeChat Pay, the e-wallet linked to WeChat messenger has signed a three-year marketing partnership with the Changi Airport Group (CAG). CAG envisions WeChat Pay to
Step into this story enchanted world, Disneyland Hotel and your magical journey starts from here. Tinker Bell sprinkling pixie dust across your bedhead, making your stay a different experience; Share
July 8, 2018 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines is exploring ways to shorten the processing of visa on arrivals for Chinese tourists, making their entry faster and hassle-free. As part of the plan, the gover
色达,对很多人来说是一个陌生的所在,但当你试图去了解她时,必定此生想要与其有所邂逅。越过重重山脉,是无尽宽广的草原、错乱纵横的河曲、密布如麻的湖沼、巍峨雄伟的雪山、连绵蔓延的红色僧舍……立于山顶俯瞰,直叫人心灵震撼。 色达位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州的东北部,和青海省果洛藏族自治州达日、班玛两县接壤,是以藏族为主的纯牧业县。色达在藏语里的意思是“金马”,因历史上曾在色达境内出土了一块马形的金块而得名
July 7, 2018 (Xinhua) -- Waterway tourism in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City is expected to receive about 450,000 tourists in 2018 and the figure is projected to increase 15 percent in the following years,
普吉镇 黄昏,雨。经过一间工作室,门口泊着一辆旧侉子,侉子上种着植物。向屋里张望,一个矮小的男人,穿着斜襟印花长衫,凌乱长发扎成一束,是画家。 画家的油画,有一些色彩艳丽,变幻莫测,如热带丛林;有一些水墨意象,灵动飘逸。相谈甚欢,获赠画册两三本,手工双条车一辆。再谈,更欢。遂关门取摩托,走走走,去兜风。 雨后的普吉小镇啊,古朴的南洋建筑,颤颤悠悠的小红灯笼,湿淋淋的,分外迷人。凌乱的长发和短
July 21, 2018 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar attracted 1.72 million tourists in the first half of this year, down 2 percent compared with the same period of last year when it showed 1.75 million, according to th
如果说广西博白县是南流江畔的一颗明珠,那芒竹编织、杂技艺术这些非物质文化遗产就是这颗明珠中最亮眼的一部分,这些本是行走江湖、养家糊口的手艺,在博白人手中渐渐演变成了一座城市的名片,成为博白人代代相传的共同记忆。 与芒编技艺交错的一生 在博白海拔较高的山地、丘陵和荒坡原野,常常能看见成群生长的芒草,一米多高的叶柄上长着许多长穗伏花絮,秋风一吹,从根到花絮就都变成了枯黄色,在阳光的照射下煞是好看。