Microfluidic integrated metamaterials for active terahertz photonics

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anewday4all
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A depletion layer played by aqueous organic liquids flowing in a platform of microfluidic integrated metamaterials is experimentally used to actively modulate terahertz (THz) waves. The polar configuration of water molecules in a depletion layer gives rise to a damping of THz waves. The parallel coupling of the damping effect induced by a depletion layer with the resonant response by metamaterials leads to an excellent modulation depth approaching 90% in intensity and a great difference over 210° in phase shift. Also, a tunability of slow-light effect is displayed. Joint time-frequency analysis performed by the continuous wavelet transforms reveals the consumed energy with varying water content, indicating a smaller moment of inertia related to a shortened relaxation time of the depletion layer. This work, as part of THz aqueous photonics, diametrically highlights the availability of water in THz devices, paving an alternative way of studying THz wave–liquid interactions and developing active THz photonics.
针对激光诱导生物组织温升预测问题提出了一种新的RC电路理论模型。根据基尔霍夫电压定律(KVL)推导了RC电路的系统函数和单位冲激响应,根据单位冲激响应和矩形输入信号的卷积得到RC电路的零状态响应模型,由激光照射下生物组织温度实验结果确定模型中的两个固定参数,提出了两种模型参数计算方法并进行模拟计算。理论计算与实验结果显示温度响应曲线一致,肝脏和肌肉组织峰值温度相对误差范围分别为-0.0557 ℃~-0.0025 ℃和0.0139 ℃~0.0641 ℃,温度曲线平均相对误差范围分别为0.55%~2.39%和
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