1 引言 现代交通运输方式是工业革命的产物,作为工业文明的组成部分,它在给人类社会带来巨大经济和社会效益的同时,也不可避免地带来负面效应。人类社会要走上可持续发展的道路,必须用可持续发展的概念来重新审视交通发展的历史、现状,对交通运输给环境、社会带来的诸多影响和压力给予足够的关注,尤其要完善新的发展观,构建基于可持续发展概念的
1 Introduction Modern mode of transport is a product of the industrial revolution. As an integral part of industrial civilization, it brings about great economic and social benefits to human society and inevitably brings negative effects. To embark on the path of sustainable development, human society must re-examine the history and current situation of transportation development with the concept of sustainable development and pay enough attention to the many impacts and pressures of transportation on the environment and society. In particular, it should be perfected The new concept of development, building on the concept of sustainable development