随着社会主义市场经济的建立,必然要求建立与之相适应的医疗服务体系。医疗质量是医院工作的核心,是医院的生命,是参与市场竞争的根本。最近,笔者和有关人员就医院质量管理进行了座谈,深感目前医院管理工作中,尚存在以下缺陷,对其采取相应对策,予以纠正确是当务之急。1 用人缺乏竞争性 党政干部、科主任,由领导任免,难以杜绝任人唯亲。专业技术职务晋升比年龄、比工龄的论资排辈,重文凭、轻业绩的评审难以做到公允。不论是党政职务还是专业技术职务,一旦拥有,就终身在手,各种职务的责、权、利不明。在这种用人机制下,人们既无外在压力,又无内在动力,既影响个体才能的发挥和潜能的挖掘,又不利于群体
With the establishment of the socialist market economy, it is bound to require the establishment of an appropriate medical service system. Medical quality is the core of hospital work, the life of a hospital, and the fundamental part of participating in market competition. Recently, the author and related personnel held discussions on hospital quality management and deeply felt that there are still the following defects in the current hospital management work. It is imperative to adopt appropriate countermeasures and correct them. 1 The lack of competitive party-political cadres and section chiefs, and the appointment or dismissal of their leaders, makes it difficult to put aside their nepotism. The promotion of professional and technical titles is more timely than the assessment of age and seniority. Regardless of whether it is a party or government position or a professional and technical position, once it is owned, it will remain in hand for life, and the duties, rights, and interests of various positions are unknown. Under this type of employment mechanism, people have neither external pressure nor internal motivation, which not only affects the exertion of individual talents and the excavation of their potential, but also is not conducive to groups.