高桥:文化留根 风貌再现

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不去安徽的黟县,不去江西的婺源,不出上海也可以见到古老的明清建筑。它们就在城市北部的高桥,那些中西合璧的民居建筑正在把“浦东的根”留住。10月28日,正是秋高气爽的好日子,浦东北部,高桥镇西街173弄3号门口张灯结彩、热闹非凡,这座临河而建、坐北朝南的三重进深的建筑迎来了一桩喜事——一年前经过修缮后被辟为钱慧安纪念馆、高桥书 Not go to Anhui Pixian, Jiangxi Wuyuan do not go out, Shanghai can also see the ancient Ming and Qing architecture. They are in Takahashi in the north of the city, and those Chinese-Western housing structures are keeping “Pudong’s roots.” October 28, it is a good autumn day, north of Pudong, Takahashi Town, West Street, Lane 173, Lane 3, decorated with colorful, lively, this Linhe built, sitting north of the building of the third deep ushered in a Pile wedding - a year ago after being repaired was turned into Qian Hui Memorial Hall, Takahashi book