这是一个人人都爱谈梦想,人人都爱把自己打扮得似乎很有追求的时代。满腔热血满眼热泪地喊出一句“I have a dream”似乎就可以让自己充满了存在感,自己原本暗淡平庸的人生一下子镀上耀眼华彩。人们爱谈论自己的独一无二,爱歌颂个体的主张和自由——他们总能摆出一副看穿了体制的丑陋,我自风华绝代傲视苍生的姿态谈论这个世界,似乎这片九百六十万平方公里的土地丝毫动摇不了他们独立又高贵的灵魂。若当真如此,“共和国”想是早已覆灭了吧。
This is an era where everyone loves to talk about their dreams and everyone loves to dress up as if they are pursuing it. Full of passionate eyes crying shouted “I have a dream ” seems to be able to make yourself full of sense of existence, their original dull mediocre life suddenly coated with dazzling. People love to talk about their own uniqueness and love to sing their opinions and freedoms - they always put on a ugly look through the system. I talked about the world from the age of despair and the common people. It seems that this piece of 9.6 million square feet Kilometers of land can not shake their independent and noble soul. If so, “Republic ” think it is already gone.