采用菌丝生长速率法测定了6%阿泰灵(寡糖·链蛋白)水分散粒剂、2%香菇多糖水剂和5%氨基寡糖素水剂对火龙果溃疡病菌Neoscytalidium dimidiatum的抑制作用,并通过盆栽试验明确了3种诱抗剂对火龙果溃疡病的诱导抗性。结果表明,6%阿泰灵(寡糖·链蛋白)水分散粒剂的抑菌效果低于10%,5%氨基寡糖素水剂和2%香菇多糖水剂的抑菌效果为0;6%阿泰灵(寡糖·链蛋白)水分散粒剂诱导抗病性效果达到60%以上,5%氨基寡糖素水剂和2%香菇多糖水剂的诱导抗病性效果超过了80%,其中5%氨基寡糖素水剂83.33mg/L和2%香菇多糖水剂33.33mg/L诱导抗病性效果分别达到89.81%和87.79%。
The mycelial growth rate method was used to determine the inhibitory effect of Arotine (oligosaccharides · chain protein) water dispersible granules, 2% lentinan and 5% amino oligosaccharides on Neoscytalidium dimidiatum , And through the pot experiment clear three kinds of inducers of dragon fruit canker induced resistance. The results showed that the antibacterial effect of 6% Aricept (oligosaccharide chain protein) water dispersible granules was less than 10%, and the antibacterial effect of 5% amino oligosaccharides and 2% lentinan was 0. 6% Aricept (oligosaccharides · chain protein) water dispersible granules induced disease-resistant effect of more than 60%, 5% amino oligosaccharides and 2% lentinan induced disease resistance effect of more than 80 %, Of which 83.33 mg / L for 5% amino oligosaccharide and 33.33 mg / L for 2% lentinan were 89.81% and 87.79%, respectively.