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最是书香能致远,读书之乐乐无穷。从小养成良好的阅读习惯,将为幼儿的一生累积最宝贵的财富!结合我园的教研课题,我们开展了“图书漂流”活动。为幼儿提供良好的阅读空间和展示平台,以阅读丰富幼儿的生活,以阅读促进幼儿良好学习习惯和个性品质的养成,让幼儿在阅读中开阔视野,提高阅读兴趣和欣赏能力、表达能力。同时以阅读为纽带,建立家庭、幼儿园合作阅读共同体,搭建起家园沟通交流的平台,在互助、共享中提高幼儿阅读的质量。 The book is the best incense can Zhiyuan, studying endless joy. From a young age to develop good reading habits, will accumulate the most valuable wealth for young children’s life! Combined with the park’s teaching and research topics, we launched “Book Rafting ” activities. To provide young children with a good reading space and display platform to read the rich young children’s life, to promote the development of children’s good learning habits and personality traits, so that children in reading to broaden their horizons and improve reading interest and ability to appreciate and express their abilities. At the same time to read as a link, the establishment of family, kindergarten reading community, set up a platform for home exchange, mutual assistance and sharing to improve children’s reading quality.