In Search for Business Leadership

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  In his essay China Goes Global Stephen Rhinesmith, one of the world’s top experts on global leadership wrote: “No doubt, China is going global and China’s youth is quickly picking up new and higher goals. But it will take some years to have the quality and quantity of the workforce needed.”
  Tourists visiting China may notice that in most international hotels position from middle management up are still mostly held by overseas Chinese or by Chinese from Hong Kong or Taiwan. The reason as Rhinesmith writes is that “Chinese face a huge deficit of leadership talent with international experience and understanding of the rest of the world.”
  China Daily estimated that China will need 75,000 business leaders to manage the country’s growth by 2015.
  Growth that according to China’s development strategy will increasingly be achieved by focusing on innovative products. And while many in the West China is still perceived as an imitator and copier of other countries’ innovations, China is beginning to show real innovation leadership. A revolution in E-commerce has supported that goal. And so do Chinese universities, which are playing a growing role in the local innovation ecosystem; globally recognized scientific journals are increasingly filled with contributions from leading Chinese researchers.
  In a recent article on “The forces forging China’s future” McKinsey consultancy sees the E-commerce revolution as a driver of “China’s surprisingly well-oiled innovation engine” and is convinced that China long perceived as the imitator “is starting to show real innovation leadership… and the emergence of a new generation of young Chinese graduates.”
  In our research on Innovation in China we had the opportunity to interview Bian Cheng Gang, General Manager of Intel and other members of his executive team. Intel has celebrated its 10th year in Chengdu in June. Intel Chengdu is one of Intel’s biggest chip assemblers and test centers in the world, where investment has reached US$ 600 million. With a presence of almost 30 years in China Intel has experienced the changes in China’s business environment and in the changes in workforce available. Mr. Bian, just as McKinsey writes in its report, thinks that by comparison to the old fashioned, hierarchy driven thinking China’s youth is more thoughtful and engage in the world, not like old fashioned Chinese who are caught in hierarchical thinking patterns. “The new generation is much more individualized, independent and engaged in production processes and how they can add value.”
摘 要:在众多的学习理论中,建构主义学习理论逐渐被大家接受和“宠爱”。与任何其他各类教学过程一样,建构主义学习理论在对外汉语教学中也越来越多的受到“宠爱”。在对外汉语的教学过程中,语音是基础,是关键。本文我就对外汉语语音教学中音段音位的差别引起的对外汉语教学障碍并提出一些与之相应的建构主义教学策略,本文以母语为英语的学生为例,从宏观上分析了建构主义教学理论之对外汉语音段音位教学策略,试图在建构主义
摘 要:研究型教学是一种新的教学模式,能有效地调动学生的学习积极性,强化学生的“自主研究”。作业和测验,是教学过程中最常见,也是最容易实践的活动。本文以亲身讲授的《电磁学》为例,重点从作业和测试的安排上进行的新尝试,组织和引导学生进行研究型的教学活动,来验证这一新模式的教学。  关键词:研究型物理教学 电磁学 作业和测试  中图分类号:G652.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2
摘 要:建构主义学习观认为学习者通过新知识与原有知识经验相互作用来充实、丰富和改造自己的知识经验。因此,建构主义指导下的自主学习越来越受到高校教师的青睐。但是在实际操作中,学生感受到的自主学习的成效低于教师的预期。该项目从学生视角出发,面向全国各级各类院校的大学生,针对学生自主学习中的教师干预,主要调查了当前大学生自主学习中教师干预的具体模式及其产生的实际效果,自主学习不同阶段中教师干预的影响,和
摘 要:本文通过对东华大学2010和2011级环境工程专业全日制工程硕士研究生和导师的调查,从课程设置、实践能力培养两方面分析全日制工程硕士研究生培养的现状与存在的问题,并提出相关的改进意见与建议。  关键词:全日制工程硕士 课程体系 实践能力  中图分类号:G643.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2014)05(a)-0099-02  Problems of Full Tim
摘 要:本文以广西民族大学MTI专业学生参与第九、第十届中国—东盟博览会《快报》翻译项目为例,总结经验,发现问题,提出了未来改进的思路,以期对位于常规性国际会议举办地的MTI兄弟院校的笔译实习提供一定的启示。  关键词:MTI 笔译实习 中国—东盟博览会《快报》  中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2014)05(a)-0130-02  MTI(翻译专业硕士)是2
摘 要:本文以河北联合大学2011级大学英语课程为研究对象,对其大学英语拓展课程的实施方案和课程特点进行了研究总结。研究小组采用统计学原理和调查走访的形式,对大学英语拓展课程进行了有效地评估。最终得出结论并总结存在的问题,对今后的大学英语课程改革和拓展课程的改进起到了指导性的作用。  关键词:大学英语 拓展课程 实施方案 特点  中图分类号:H313 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(
Why does the housing price in China keep increasing? People usually attribute to the progress in urbanization, the rigid demand for houses, and the vigorous market of investment and speculation.  Prof
On August 5, China Overseas Property published a group of announcements, saying that Kong Qingping, who had been working for the company for over 20 years, resigned as the executive director as well a
摘 要:本文以现代教育理论为基础,着眼于探索一种全开放自主式实验教学模式、实现有限教育资源的共享和封闭教学系统开放的目的,指出了全开放自主式实验教学模式的内涵,并阐述了这种教学模式的实现路径,最后提出了全开放自主式实验教学模式在汽车专业实验教学中应用的实际措施。  关键词:全开放自主式 实验教学模式 汽车专业实验  中图分类号:G642.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2014)
摘 要:教学档案作为一种信息,是在教学活动中形成的保存查备的文字、图像、声音及其他各种形式的原始记录。它是事实的载体,是衡量教学质量、教学活动的重要尺度,是教学评估工作的必然依托。因此,优化高校教学档案管理,对于高校建设和教学管理发展来说势在必行。  关键词:高校 教学档案 教学评估 教学管理  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2014)05(a)-0255-02 