1989年5月,笔者和美国学者 L.白金格、B.麻德森、G.伊思通以及内蒙古阿拉善盟林业治沙处陈玉林处长等,在阿拉善左旗进行沙漠生态考察时,分别在贺兰山西麓、腾格里沙漠及乌兰布和沙漠发现了原始文化遗存(图一),采集石制品79件和一部分陶片。这些发现对于研究内蒙古的原始文化,提供了新的材料。一、贺兰山西麓的原始文化遗存(一)地形概况贺兰山西麓平缓,在阿拉善左旗境内延伸为阿拉善高原。贺兰山西麓发现的文化遗存地点,位于阿拉善左旗巴彦浩特城东北约30公里处,这里属于贺兰山山前洪积扇地
May 1989, the author and the American scholar L. Bai Jinge, B. Ma Desen, G. Isistone and Inner Mongolia Alashan League forestry Sand Director Chen Yulin, etc., in the desert ecological inspection of Alxa Left Banner, The original cultural relics were found in the western foothills of Helan Mountain, the Tengger Desert and the Ulan Buh Desert respectively (Figure 1), collecting 79 pieces of stone products and some pottery pieces. These findings provide new material for studying the primitive culture of Inner Mongolia. First, the original cultural relics of the Western Hela Mountain (a) topography Helan Mountain foothills, extending in the Alxa Zuoqi Alashan Plateau. The site of the cultural relic found in the western foot of Helan Mountain is about 30 km northeast of Bayanhot City in Alxa Left Banner.