2017年上半年以来,江苏省工商局组织对省内网络经营主体通过天猫商城销售的99批次的儿童服装商品质量进行专项抽检。在抽样时主要选择以往发现质量问题较多和消费者投诉相对集中的品种,检验项目也以发生问题较多的项目为主。经检验,抽样的99批次儿童服装中,78个批次合格,21个批次不合格,总体合格率为78.79%。此次儿童服装检验主要依据GB 18401《国家纺织产品基本安全技术规范》、GB 31701《婴幼儿及儿
Since the first half of 2017, Jiangsu Administration for Industry and Commerce organized a special sampling inspection on the quality of 99 batches of children’s apparel sold by the network operators in Tiantan Mall in the province. The main choice in the sampling of previous found that more quality problems and consumer complaints relatively concentrated varieties, test items also occur more problems of the project-based. After testing, sampling of 99 batches of children’s clothing, 78 batches of qualified, 21 batches failed, the overall pass rate of 78.79%. The children’s clothing inspection mainly based on GB 18401 “National Safety Technical Code for Textile Products”, GB 31701 "infants and children