
来源 :思维与智慧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinzhg01
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作为教师就要善于抓住教育时机对学生进行道德教育,使学生的道德意识在润物细无声中得到提升,因此在各个学科的每一节课中,都应该有德育渗透的痕迹。美育与德育是相通的,也是相互促进的。但是在哪个环节中渗透德育较自然,更容易引导学生,被他们接受呢?一、小学美术教学中渗透德育应注意的问题首先,小学美术教学中要靠视觉艺术形象和审美活动的感染、熏陶,启发学生,使学生领悟做人的道理,让学生通过自己看、听正反面直观事 As teachers, we must be good at grasping the opportunity of education to moral education for students so that students’ moral awareness can be enhanced silently. Therefore, in every lesson of every subject, there should be traces of moral education infiltration. Aesthetic education and moral education are interlinked, but also promote each other. However, it is more natural and easier for students to be guided by the infiltration of moral education in one aspect. First, problems in moral education should be paid attention to in primary school art teaching Firstly, the teaching of primary school art depends on the infection of visual arts image and aesthetic activities , Inspire students so that students understand the truth of life, so that students see through their own, listen to the positive and negative things
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