天亮了。奇怪呀,这冬日的天,怎么这么的亮,亮的出奇。我拉开窗帘往外瞧去,嘿啊啊,下雪了,下雪了。只见那雪花婉似白色的鹅毛,满天的飞扬。那大地上、屋顶上、车顶上、连那商店门前的肯德基“同志”,浑身上下都披满了雪的绒花。整个苍穹,一片白茫茫。好个美景! 如此美色佳景,竟然使我发了点小小的愁:按照健身计划(健身可是当今最时髦的话题之一),今天我该去爬山的。可这大雪天的,只瞅那平道上,还时不时的有人“藤”的一下子就滑倒了,那山路就可想而知了。但是,“再难也难不倒共产党人”。别说下雪,就是下刀子,今天的
Its daybreak. Strange ah, this winter’s day, how bright, surprisingly bright. I opened the curtains and looked out, hey, ah, it was snowing, it was snowing. I saw the snow-white goose feather, sky full of flying. On that earth, on the roof, on the roof, and even in front of the store KFC “comrades” covered with snow all over the plush. The whole sky, a vast expanse of white. A good beauty! So beautiful beauty, even made me a little sad: According to the fitness program (fitness, but today’s one of the most fashionable topic), I should go hiking today. But this snowy day, only to see that on the road, but also from time to time someone “rattan” slipping, that mountain can imagine. However, “it is harder and harder to defeat the Communists.” Not to mention the snow, it is under the knife, today’s