目的探讨经阴道超声下行输卵管造影术,诊断和治疗女性不孕症。方法经阴道超声对85例不孕症女性行输卵管造影术。结果 85例患者中,双侧输卵管通畅者21例,通而不畅者14例,阻塞者23例。通过治疗2-6个月经周期后,怀孕者26例。结论阴道超声引导下输卵管造影术安全有效,方便易行,是一种集检查、诊断、治疗于一体的影像学方法。
Objective To investigate transvaginal sonography of tubal transvaginal ultrasound to diagnose and treat female infertility. Methods Transvaginal sonography was performed on 85 infertile women. Results Among the 85 patients, 21 cases of bilateral tubal patency, 14 cases of failing, and 23 cases of obstruction. After treatment of 2-6 menstrual cycles, 26 pregnant women. Conclusions Vaginal ultrasound-guided tubal angiography is safe, effective and easy to operate. It is an imaging method integrated with examination, diagnosis and treatment.