目的调查掌握汉中市的蚊虫种类。方法采用人帐法、畜诱法、诱蚊灯诱捕法和网捕法。结果调查获得汉中市蚊科(Culicidae)2亚科5属33种,即按蚊亚科Anophelinae 1属4种:按蚊属Anopheles 4种。库蚊亚科Culicinae4属29种:伊蚊属Aedes 11种、库蚊属Culex 16种、脉毛蚊属(赛蚊属)Culiseta 1种和直脚蚊属Orthopodomyia 1种。结论明确汉中市蚊虫2亚科5属33种,为蚊虫防治提供科学依据。
Objective To investigate the mosquito species in Hanzhong City. Methods Human account method, animal husbandry method, mosquito trap method and net catching method. Results 33 species of 5 genera and 5 genera of Culicidae from Hanzhong City were obtained, 4 species belonging to 1 genera Anophelinae of Anopheles subfamily: 4 species of Anopheles from Anopheles. There are 29 species of Culicinae4 in the library, Aedes eleven, Culex 16, Culiseta 1 and Orthopodomyia 1. Conclusion It is clear that there are 33 species of 5 genera and 2 subfamilies of Mosquitoes in Hanzhong City, providing scientific basis for mosquito control.