笔者使用654-2为主配合综合治疗支气管哮喘持续状态患者32例,取得满意疗效。现介绍典型病例2例如下: 例1,患者,女,32岁,哮喘反复发作6年,持续24小时。患者每次发作,均以非那根等药物抗过敏治疗,静脉给予肾上腺皮质激素及氨茶碱等药物。发作间期逐次缩短,临床症状每况愈下,必须静脉给与皮质激素方能缓解。患者有明确的虫靖、花粉、棕丝等过敏史。一查体:唇干发绪,心率98次/分,呼吸39次/分,双肺满布哮呜音。
The author used 654-2-based treatment of patients with bronchial asthma in the continuous state of 32 patients, and achieved satisfactory results. Here are the typical cases of 2 cases are as follows: Example 1, patients, female, 32 years old, asthma recurrent six years for 24 hours. Patients with each attack, are non-root and other drugs anti-allergy treatment, intravenous corticosteroids and aminophylline and other drugs. Intermittent seizure shortened, clinical symptoms deteriorating, intravenous corticosteroids can be relieved. Patients have a clear insect Jing, pollen, brown silk allergy history. A physical examination: lip dry thread, heart rate 98 beats / min, breathing 39 beats / min, lung full of aphonia.