
来源 :中共青岛市委党校.青岛行政学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idcxinrui
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运用法治思维和法治方式治理腐败,这是习近平总书记反腐败思想的重要内容,也为现阶段我国反腐败工作提出了新要求。当前,我国的反腐败工作持续进行,取得了较大成效。要保证反腐败工作的持续性和长效性,需要运用法治思维和法治方式防治腐败。要对法治思维和法治方法进行科学认识,研究运用法治思维和法治方式在防治腐败中的实现路径。通过中国反腐倡廉法律体系的逐步建立,完善党风廉政建设的法律制度,进而培育法治文化,优化社会法治环境,保证共产党执政和社会发展的长治久安。 The use of the rule of law and the rule of law to govern corruption is an important part of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption thinking and also sets new demands for anti-corruption work in our country at this stage. At present, the anti-corruption work in our country has continued and achieved great results. To ensure the continuity and long-term effectiveness of anti-corruption work, we need to apply the rule of law and the rule of law to prevent corruption. We should conduct a scientific understanding of the rule of law thinking and the rule of law methods, and study ways to apply the rule of law and the rule of law in the prevention and control of corruption. Through the gradual establishment of a legal system to combat corruption and uphold integrity in China, the legal system for the improvement of the party’s work style and building a clean and honest government should be perfected so as to foster the culture of the rule of law, optimize the environment for the rule of law in the society and ensure the long-term peace and stability of the communist party in power and social development.