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党中央、国务院按照邓小平理论和党的基本路线,科学的分析和总结了现代社会经济发展的趋势与经验才提出“科教兴国”的战略方针,要想实施得当,我们就必须重视教育的发展和教学方法的运用,尤其是法学教育。过去的法学教学课堂上,老师的关注点只是在于如何把教材中的理论知识传授给同学,往往忽视了这种教学方法致使课堂教学沉闷枯燥,学生毫无兴趣,学习效率不高,也不是很理解课本上所讲述的知识,这样对学生形成良好的法律素养也会影响颇深。因此,体验式教学法出现和运用,这不仅使传统的课堂教学方法得以改变,还使其在法学实践教学中发挥着日益突出的作用。阐述了体验式教学法的概念和特点,以及存在的问题,进一步分析体验式教学法在法学教学中的应用。 In accordance with Deng Xiaoping Theory and the party’s basic line, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have scientifically analyzed and summarized the trends and experiences in the development of modern society and economy and proposed a strategic guideline of “rejuvenating China through science and education.” If we want to implement it properly, we must attach importance to education Development and use of teaching methods, especially legal education. In the past law teaching class, the focus of the teacher was simply on how to pass on the theoretical knowledge in the textbooks to the students. This teaching method often neglected the dullness of classroom teaching, the students’ lack of interest, the inefficient learning, and the low learning efficiency Understand the textbook about the knowledge, so that the students to form a good legal literacy will also have a profound impact. Therefore, the emergence and application of experiential pedagogy not only change the traditional methods of classroom teaching, but also play an increasingly prominent role in the practice of legal science. The concept and characteristic of experiential teaching method and its existing problems are expounded, and the application of experiential teaching method in law teaching is further analyzed.
【摘要】建筑工程的规划与管理决定着工程施工的进度与质量。做好建筑工程施工的规划与管理,既可以使施工单位的工作效率始终保持在较高水平,又能确保工程建设获得预期的投资收益。根据建筑工程所在地的相关情况和工程项目的相关条件,对工期和施工等要素进行恰当的规划和管理,可以有效的排除影响施工进度的不利因素,使投资得到最大化利用,确保建筑工程施工高效益、高质量的完成。  【关键词】建筑工程;施工;规划与管理  