Patients, male, 24 years old, due to hematemesis, melena 4 days admission .At 1 year old found hepatosplenomegaly, was diagnosed with persistent hepatitis, hypersplenism .Patients sister and a brother, respectively, at the age of 8 and 12 Died of “cirrhosis of the upper gastrointestinal bleeding,” another brother alive in. Parents of non-relatives get married, their first child had a mother had “acute hepatitis.” Physical examination: BP12 / 8kPa, HR108 times / min, normal development, Severe anemia, sclera no yellow dye, no palmate liver palms, superficial lymph nodes without swelling, head and face deformity, normal heart and lungs, abdominal soft, no abdominal veins revealed, ribs under the ribs 3cm, Spleen rib 7cm , Moderate texture, no tenderness, dullness of abdominal movement (-), no percussion pain in the kidney area and no deformity of the spine and limbs.Auxiliary examination: Hb70g / L, normal white blood cells, platelets and urine, HBsAg (-), A / G = 34/25, AFP <20μg / L, normal liver function and prothrombin time, normal blood copper and ceruloplasmin, hemolytic examination (-), bone marrow showed iron deficiency anemia.