相比于工业标准服务器市场的群雄并起,UNIX 服务器领域则如同高手过招。在这个过程中,处理器芯片之争则是决定这些高手们最终胜负的最关键因素之一。富士通 SPARC64处理器:高可靠性压倒一切据了解,SPARC 实际上是一个国际标准,Sun 开发的 UltraSPARC T1/T2/T2 plus 和富士通开发的 SPARC64均遵从 SPARC V9架构,由 SPARC 国际组织统一管理。2007年4月,富士通和 SUN 宣布正式推出由双方共同合作开发的全新SPARC Enterprise UNIX 服务器
Compared to the industry standard server market and the crowds, UNIX server area is like a master trick. In this process, the battle of processor chips is one of the most crucial factors determining the final outcome of these masters. It is understood that SPARC is actually an international standard. The UltraSPARC T1 / T2 / T2 plus developed by Sun and the SPARC64 developed by Fujitsu are all compliant with the SPARC V9 architecture and are managed by SPARC International. In April 2007, Fujitsu and SUN announced the official launch of a new SPARC Enterprise UNIX server jointly developed by both parties