为了进一步认识桉树对低温的生理反应和耐寒机制 ,为生产提供理论依据 ,为耐寒桉树的选择育种等目的 ,根据前人作出的关于桉树耐寒的结论 ,从氧伤害抵制机制出发 ,选择耐寒性不同的桉树进行培育和定点定期的采样 ,测定不同时期不同条件下的超氧化物歧化酶 ( SOD)活性 ,研究它们的 SOD活性变化规律 .研究结果表明 :桉树的耐寒性与其 SOD的活性有关系 ,耐寒性强的桉树的 SOD对低温反应能力比耐寒性弱的敏感 ,SOD的活性在年周期内是不断变化的 .在桉树本身正常代谢受到干扰时 ,其 SOD的活性才开始明显增强 .SOD的活性是桉树本身遗传因子所决定的
In order to further understand the eucalyptus physiological response to low temperature and cold-resistant mechanism for the production of a theoretical basis for the selection of cold-resistant eucalyptus breeding purposes, according to previous conclusions made on the hardy of eucalyptus, starting from the oxygen damage resistance mechanism, select different cold tolerance Of eucalyptus and fixed-point sampling were performed to determine the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) under different conditions at different periods and to study their changes in SOD activity.The results show that the cold tolerance of Eucalyptus is related to the activity of SOD, SOD of cold hardy eucalyptus is more sensitive to low temperature than weak cold hardiness, and the activity of SOD is changing in the annual cycle.When the normal metabolism of eucalyptus itself is interfered, the activity of SOD begins to increase obviously.SOD Activity is determined by the genetic factors of Eucalyptus itself